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new student group guides

Find resources below to help your new student group get off the ground.

2017 Applying Deadlines

applying deadlines 2016-17

For more information on becoming a registered student organization, visit the Student Organizations and Activities website:


If you have any questions, contact us or the department of Student Organizations and Activities.

Advisor Form

advisor form

To become a registered student organization, you will need an advisor. Advisors can be Northwestern faculty or administrators. In order to get that advisor, you will need to fill out this form and turn it into the Student Organizations and Activities office on the third floor of Norris. For more information, visit the Student Organizations and Activities website:


If you have any questions, contact us or the department of Student Organizations and Activities.

Building a Constitution

constitution template

To become a registered student group, you will need to write a group constitution, which will outline everything about the club from its mission statement to leadership duties to membership policies. Use this template to help you write that constitution.

SOFO Account Application

Sofo account application

Get an account with Student Organization Finance Office (SOFO) in order to facilitate financial transactions and take advantage of all the funding resources on campus.


Follow the instructions on SOFO's website ( and fill out this form. 

Applying for B-Status

b-status application packet

coming january 2017

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